Goal Planning The NLP Way With Damon Cart [Part 1]

This week, NLP Expert Damon Cart joins me to talk about how to create long-term goals that inspire you and ultimately bring you fulfilment and happiness. 

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Episode 204 | Script

Hello and welcome to episode 204 of the Working With Podcast. A podcast to answer all your questions about productivity, time management, self-development and goal planning. My name is Carl Pullein and I am your host for this show.

This week, I am honoured to bring you a very special guest to help you with your 2022 goal planning and to build goals that are not only achievable but sustainable and keep you motivated. 

Damon Cart is an NLP specialist who has studied NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming for over ten years. Damon has a very successful YouTube channel, which I have linked to in the show notes, as well as a thriving coaching business where he helps senior executives and high achievers build fulfilling lives. 

I am sure you are going to get a lot out of this episode, and I highly recommend you get your notebooks ready as there is going to be a lot of gold in this episode. 


Well, there you go, That’s part one. Part two will be coming next week where we go a little deeper into identifying your values and you can use these to build your long-term goals and measure your achievement over time. 

It just remains for me now to wish you all a very very productive week.