Carl Pullein

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Your Digital Life: A Story

After 19 months of writing, Your Digital Life is finally published. It began life as a 'hobby project' last year and I am so proud to have finally self published a book. 

When I began writing the book, I set out with the goal to help people who are not in to technology, like many of my power-user friends are. People who have the latest smartphones, but have never learned how to make those smartphones work for them. My goal was to help people make the most of their devices so they could lead a more stress-free and productive life. 

In the book, I have tried to cover all the things technology can do for you and to make it as simple as possible. Things like using a to-do list manager, a calendar and a note taking app - the three foundation apps for a productive life. I have also touched on the many factors that can help make your day more productive and worthwhile, like managing email so it does not become overwhelming, no matter how many emails you get each day, and how to achieve your goals using a yearly planning system. In all, the book was written to help every single one of us take control of our lives and to have more time to do the things we want to do. 

So, if like me, you want to get control of your life, make full use of the amazing technology you carry around, and to be able to spend more time doing the things you want to do, and of course, if you have a few pennies spare, then head over to Amazon or iBookstore and buy yourself a copy. I am sure it will be an investment worthwhile.