Why Time And Life Mastery Matters.

It is a very busy world. A world where anything that might be interesting is broadcasted to the world instantly. A world where everyone appears to have an opinion on everything from the size of Donald Trump’s hands to the latest famous celebrity misdeed.

We also live in a world where our boss, colleagues, friends and customers expect us to reply to their demands within seconds. It is a challenging world.

While in many ways this world is exciting, fun and awe-inspiring it also means we have very little time left for the things we want to do. Many people don’t have any time to even discover what it is they want to do so they drift from one demand to the next without stopping for a moment to think about what it is they want to do and achieve.

This is why last year I created the Time And Life Mastery course. A course designed to help people discover what they wanted to do with their lives. To establish some goals and to have a clear vision about the future they wanted to create for themselves. A future where goals and ambitions take centre stage and the demands of others are assessed before being acted upon.

Taking control is a vital skill

Taking control of your own life and time is a crucial skill today. Being able to assess an interruption or demand and it’s value in our lives so we remain in control and not allow it to be pulled into places we have no interest or desire to go in. It’s hard, particularly when our always-on digital devices demand our attention. But it is possible.

It’s possible to wake up in the morning and begin the day working on yourself. To exercise and take care of your health. To be able to begin the day with a plan that involves working on yourself and not other people. To have a plan for the day that is flexible enough to take care of the demands the day throws up and be able to work on your life so each day you become a better, more effective person crystal clear about what you want to achieve and how you want to live your life. It is not easy, but it is possible.

Time And Life Mastery has been created to help you get your life and time back. To guide you towards discovering the goals and things you want In your life. To give you the tools to develop those goals and ambitions into achievable plans and to show you how to manage your time so your goals and ambitions are built upon every day.

This year’s Time And Life Mastery is even better. There are ten new video classes and new worksheets to help you develop your plans. From finding the fifty things you want to do and achieve over the next ten years to understanding what your majors and minors are so you can put in place the 2+8 Prioritisation system.

Build your own framework where the important takes centre-stage.

Time And Life Mastery will give you the framework on which to build a fantastic life and a life of no regrets. It will give you the skills and know-how to take back control of your life so you become the director of your own life story and not your boss, family, customer or society.

This year’s course goes live on Friday 3 August and I would love to see you there. I want to help you build a life you want to live. To be able to help you achieve your goals and dreams and be your life and productivity guide through this time demanding, but exciting world.

If you are already enrolled in Time And Life Mastery this is a free upgrade. If you are new to Time And Life Mastery there will be a limited time early bird discount on offer. You can visit the course page right here to see what’s new and over on my YouTube channel I will be posting a few videos giving you more details about this fantastic course throughout the week.

I hope you can join me in this course so you can start building the life you have always wanted.

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My purpose is to help 1 million people by 2020 to live the lives they desire. To help people find happiness and become better organised and more productive so they can do more of the important things in life.

If you would like to learn more about the work I do, and how I can help you to become better organised and more productive, you can visit my website or you can say hello on Twitter, YouTube or Facebook and subscribe to my weekly newsletter right here.