How to Use Technology to Your Advantage When Managing Remote Workers.

This is a guest blog by Johanna Cider. Based in Wellington, New Zealand, Johanna loves that technology, and her lifelong dream of becoming a creative writer has given her the freedom to pursue her passion for travel. See more of her work on Musings of Johanna

Technology has shaped the twenty-first century as we know it. It has remodelled how businesses run, allowing employers and employees to work remotely.

Keep reading to find out how you can use technology to your advantage when managing remote workers. This will help to make running a business almost effortless.


Technological advancements can greatly improve the management of a business. Keeping track of workers’ schedules isn’t an easy feat when your employees work remotely. An array of employee management software exists. Track workflow, documents, projects, and communications. Most, if not all, management software have smartphone apps available so employees can update their work status on the go.

Utilise time-tracking software to ensure employees are completing their required hours.

You can also make use of calendar invites so employees know where they should be or what they should be doing at a given time. Share their calendars with yourself, so you are aware of their activities at all times. It would help you to envisage where you or other employees could lend a hand if required.


With workers out and about, communication can be made difficult. Efficient communication is essential for a smooth-running business. Luckily you can take advantage of today’s technology so that you can communicate effectively with remote workers.

Teleconference calls are a great way to catch up with employees, and for them to communicate with clients. Chat apps also exist which are available from all smart devices. Start a chat with each employee directly so that they can get in contact with you via a quick, direct message. It’s also a great idea to set up chat groups for each team. This way, the whole team can be kept updated on the progress of tasks.

With efficient communication, staying connected with the latest technology is essential. A fast internet connection is a requirement for video calls, and it would also become an advantage when it comes to employee productivity.

Consider providing employees with excellent roaming plans so that they can stay connected on the go. With technology nowadays, smartphones can be comparable to a laptop or tablet in terms of communication.


Being connected has its advantages. Your remote workers can work from wherever they please. From the comfort of their home, on an aeroplane, in a cafe — you name it. This convenience means employees can schedule their workday around their busy lives.

Not to mention, working from home lowers your business’ carbon footprint. Being environmentally-conscious in this day and age is an attractive characteristic for businesses. This can be used as a selling point for your company and may attract future clients.

Consider giving your remote workers the freedom to work when they want — provided they make up their required hours. If employees are night owls, they may prefer to work later in the day, and will likely be more productive. This, in turn, will benefit your company.

Alternatively, your employees may have young children. These remote workers may prefer to start work early, so they are available to cater for their families in the afternoon. Happier work conditions will result in happier workers and higher employee retention.

Remember, whereas technology is of utmost convenience, face-to-face communication is also important. Gather your team around every so often for a group activity or team bonding. Consider turning a work excursion into a holiday to add an enjoyable spin on improving team collaboration.

Technology has allowed us to reach millions of people with the click of a button. Remain updated with the current technology to ensure your business uses technology to its full potential.

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