A Sustainable Business Is a Productive Business.

People are making a conscious effort to better the health of our planet. For example, some recycle daily, swap cars for more sustainable transportation, and use energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances. These are just a few small gestures individuals make to be more sustainable.

That said, don’t forget about the impact that businesses have on sustainability.

This week’s article is written by the wonderful Katie Brenneman. Thank you Katie for writing this for me.

Giant corporations, medium-sized businesses, and small companies worldwide have committed to increasing their sustainability efforts. When businesses fight against environmental concerns, it can be just as impactful on the internal operation as it is on the external world.

Overall workplace productivity, in particular, can significantly improve when a company implements sustainable processes.

Cut Costs and Reinvest Resources.

Some of the investments you make to create a more sustainable business will be costly initially. But over time, you’ll notice the benefits of sustainable businessinvestments, helping you reduce operating costs and make more sales.

For example, commercial solar panel installation can cost you upwards of $15,000. However, the average commercial property owner pays about 89% less on their electric bill each month when using solar. With a typical bill of $557 monthly, that brings the average cost of electricity to about $61.27. That’s a huge difference that will very likely offset the initial setup costs of solar panels over time.

When you cut costs like this, you can reinvest the money into business processes that need it. As a result, those improved processes will enable your internal team to do their jobs more efficiently, which betters productivity.

Use Technology To Drive Productivity and Sustainability.

Technology is integral to promoting sustainability and driving productivity. It enhances the way your team works. It also supports a digital transformation that helps eliminate paper waste and reduce carbon footprint.

So, when your tech devices break or aren’t as useful because they’re old, it’s essential to repair them to ensure your company’s productivity doesn’t take a hit. Or, if you can’t repair old or broken tech tools, at least recycle them to ensure they don’t end up in landfills.

Inspire High Employee Morale.

Just like customers are drawn to businesses rooted in sustainability, employees are, too. 71% of prospective employees look for environmental considerationsbeing made in a new employer. Potential hires want their new company’s values to align with their own.

Not only will being a sustainable business attract top talent, but it will also keep them with your company long-term because they’re genuinely connected to what you’re trying to do to better environmental health. And when employees feel a genuine connection, it inspires high morale.

Consider your employees’ sustainability commitments and values when carving out your corporate social responsibility plans. This will help them feel more connected to your business, inciting passion and more work engagement.

Provide a Healthier and Safer Work Environment

Implementing sustainable processes in your business also provides a healthier and safer work environment. For example, when you use sustainable cleaning products, your employees don’t have to worry about inhaling harmful toxins while you clean. When you install smart devices, you can eliminate some of the manual processes that cause workplace injuries.

When employees don’t have to worry about their health and safety, they can focus on their work and produce at a high level.

Build a Meaningful Brand

As mentioned above, sustainability means something to customers. More and more people are choosing to shop primarily with brands that prioritise sustainability. If you can show that your business is genuinely committed to the well-being of the planet and the humans inhabiting it, you can build a meaningful brand that draws in customers.

The more customers you have, the more work there is for your employees, which keeps them busy and productive.

More Creativity and Innovation

There is so much to learn regarding sustainability. There are so many ways to make it a part of your everyday life and even more ways to implement it in a company’s operations. All of these layers of sustainability can inspire more creativity and innovation among your team.

Employees genuinely interested in bettering the health of our planet will want to experiment with eco-friendly initiatives and learn and converse about various sustainability-related topics often. They’ll want to be creative and innovative, fuelling productivity through impactful contributions to the business. It’s all about giving your employees the space to explore and experiment responsibly.

Attract Top-tier Leaders

Many of the best leaders today understand the importance of sustainability in business and an individual’s life. Moreover, sustainability is probably deeply entrenched in their own lives. Thus, if you want to attract top-tier leaders, your business must prioritise environmental health.

Solid leaders are incredibly important to creating and maintaining a productive team. Without strong leadership, employees likely won’t ever reach their potential and produce as expected.

Making your business more sustainable attracts good leaders, and good leaders inspire the most productivity from their teams.


Sustainability can fuel productivity in any business. If your business is sustainable, it’s usually efficient, and an efficient company is a productive one. Take some time today to define a pathway to a more environmentally-friendly business so your team can bring their best to work each day.

Katie Brenneman is a passionate writer specialising in lifestyle, mental health, education, and fitness-related content. When she isn’t writing, you can find her with her nose buried in a book or hiking with her dog, Charlie. To connect with Katie, you can follow her on Twitter.

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