Carl Pullein

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4 Quick tips for working from home.

As many of you are continuing to work from home over the next few weeks, I thought it would be useful to share with you a few tips I’ve learned for staying focused (and sane) while having to work from home. So here goes:

Set up a structure for your day

By this, I mean set a start and finish time and a fixed time to have lunch each day. Part of what makes transitioning to working from home so tricky is the sudden loss of structure. You roll out of bed, go to the bathroom, make coffee, sit down, and you’re at work. It can be very disorientating. Instead, set yourself some guidelines, so you have a structure in your working day.


Not having to go to a place of work means you experience a huge drop in activity and movement. Walking to meetings, catching the bus or train or going out to get some lunch keeps you active. Working from home removes activity, and you need to replace that activity with something else. Here are a few ideas:

Do some in-between housework sessions of work. Go for a walk around the block (or in your garden if you are on lockdown) Use your stairs as a treadmill for some exercise. Five minutes running up and down the stairs, a few times per day can do wonders for your mental clarity.

Be very clear with your family that you are working

If all your family are now at home because schools and universities are closed, make sure your family understands when you are working, so you are not disturbed. Family members, while meaning well, often do not understand you need quiet time to be able to focus on your work. Be very clear about your working times.

Close down the day

Don’t just walk away from your work station when you finish the day. Close down your computer, tidy up your files, put papers, notebooks and other items related to your work away. When you finish work for the day, you are no longer working. You are now off and should now focus on your family and friends. Don’t let your work creep into your family/social time.

Following these four simple tips will help you get more out of working from home, help to keep you sane and will make sure the transition back once these unprecedented times are over much more manageable.

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