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3 Ways Improved Cybersecurity Can Boost Your Productivity.

This is a guest post by the wonderful Lucy Rose.

The great Walt Disney once said, “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” Productivity is one of the cornerstones of any business. As productivity takes a dip, a business’s revenue will more than likely decrease accordingly, which can result in deflated morale and reduced chance of job advancement. When output is being considered, however, not much thought is given to cybersecurity. Introducing enhanced cybersecurity measures can, in fact, have a huge impact on the productivity of both the workforce and the business as a whole.

Decreased security violations help retain customers

One of the simplest ways to boost productivity through heightened security is to reduce the number of violations your business encounters. Although it may take a considerable amount of time to implement the necessary security measures, the efforts will pay off and save you time and money. When you have no security issues to fix, you will have more time available to concentrate on other areas of the business.

Increased cybersecurity measures will also prevent the organisation from losing clients due to fear that their sensitive information will be compromised. When clients take their business elsewhere, everyone needs to work extra hard to compensate for the shortfall — often at the expense of employee morale. Preventing the attacks from occurring in the first place will improve productivity by allowing employees to only focus on their own tasks instead of having to do damage control elsewhere.

Reduced stress is a known productivity booster

Stress can have a huge impact on productivity, which is why measures should be taken to reduce it as much as possible. Being subjected to too many stressful situations can result in a number of concerns, including insomnia, amplified irritability, headaches and conditions that can result in increased absenteeism. By implementing a range of security measures such as improved firewalls, virus scanning and automated backups, related stress levels will decrease significantly while productivity will enjoy a welcome boost.

There is great benefit to monitoring internet access

There is no denying that a large percentage of employees waste a lot of precious time every day on the internet — on social media in particular. In order to prevent this from happening and keep productivity levels at a maximum, it may be a good idea to add restrictions to your business network that will thwart access to distracting websites and apps such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. When employees (and managers) no longer spend their time perusing their social media accounts, their productivity levels will soar as their focus will be redirected back to their tasks. This increase in productivity can also improve a business’s profit margin considerably, which is always welcomed in a somewhat unstable economy.

Cybersecurity can go a long way to not only keep a business’s sensitive data safe, but to improve productivity as well. While getting all the required security measures in place may seem like a daunting task, it is definitely one of the biggest investments you can make in yourself and your business.