The Top Three Presentation Blogs 2013

This is a re-post of a blog post posted on my Present In English blog

​There are many presentation blogs that purport to offer you the 'best' advice and tips for creating and delivering presentations. Unfortunately, not all of them are very good. Most are average and a rare few are excellent. In order to help you, my readers, to sort out the good, the bad and the plain ugly, here are, for me, the current best top three sites for presentation advice:

Number 1 - Presentation Skills

Dr Simon Raybould blog is a no nonsense, common sense site, full of practical tips that focus on your delivery and message. The style of the blog is simple and the tips Dr Raybould offers are some of the best there is.

You should also follow Dr Raybould's Twitter feed (@presentations) which regularly offers "oldie but goodie" tips, some of Dr Raybould's best presentation tips from the past.

Number 2 - Presentation Zen

One of the most popular presentation blogs on the internet. Garr Reynolds' blog has some great tips and resources for anyone doing a presentation. Garr's posts are often complex and deep, but are thought provoking and do help you to see things from a different perspective.

Number 3 Presentation Magic.

Les Posen's blog is full of tips and tricks for anyone using Keynote. However, what makes this blog special is that Les Posen is a clinical psychologist and he uses his knowledge from this field to help his readers to understand what it is an audience thinks and goes through as you present. In addition to the blog, Les was recently a guest on the Mac Power users podcast where he talked about presenting in detail. It is certainly a podcast I would recommend to anyone who does presentations regularly

Finally, of course, this blog is a must read for anyone who has to present in English, when English is not their native language - but then I had to mention that didn't I?

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